At the conclusion of each season the Music & Grading Committee reviews the results of ASPD sanctioned competitions to determine individual members and their grade placing. During the season, Judges are asked to adjudicate each performance and provide performance ratings for each individual player. These ratings combined with Music & Grading Committee member input are considered when determining grade promotions.
Upgrades for the 2024 Season
Grade 5 to 4: Frank Wallace, Ronin McCallum
Grade 4 to 3: Kellan Harris-Still, John Navarrete
Grade 3 to 2: Jonathon Kalyn
Grade 2 to 1: Kyle Barrie
Grade 5 to 4: Alexander Davies, Micah Schiller
All 2023 Chanter and Drum Pad competitors are encouraged to be on instruments for the 2024 season and therefore competing in Grade 5 piping or snare drumming.
Congratulations to everyone for continuing the pursuit of great music!
If there are any issues with this information, please direct all communication to If you wish to appeal your grading, in accordance with Rule 4.2.4 in Rules for Solo Piping and Solo Drumming Competition, you may do so in writing using the Solo Competitor Appeal Form.