Members for hire
Remove the [ ] before and after the @ for email adresses
Pipers | |
Mary Ann Houston- Calgary | bagpipeshouston[@] |
Stephanie McSween-Calgary | stephmcs[@] |
Stewart Smith-Calgary | stewartcsmith[@] |
Alastair Briggs -Edmonton | oilcitypiper[@] |
Meghann Wendell - Edmonton | meghann[@] |
Kevin Thompson- Edmonton | kevinjt5[@] |
Morgan Miller- Edmonton | morganashleypage[@] |
Michael Johnson- Edmonton | Mwjohnso[@] |
Trevor McIsaac -Edmonton | trevormcisaac[@] |
Val Nicoll - Edmonton | vcnicoll[@] |
Drummers | |
Elizabeth Shaw-Calgary | lelizabeth[@] |
Kyle McCormack-Edmonton | mccormack_kyle[@] |
Andrew Miller- Edmonton | bandrewmiller[@] |